.. _ratematrix: .. currentmodule:: msmbuilder.msm Continuous-time MSMs ==================== :class:`MarkovStateModel` estimates a series of transition *probabilities* among states that depend on the discrete lag-time. Physically, we are probably more interested in a sparse set of transition *rates* in and out of states, estimated by :class:`ContinuousTimeMSM`. Theory ------ Consider an `n`-state time-homogeneous Markov process, :math:`X(t)`. At time :math:`t`, the :math:`n`-vector :math:`P(t) = Pr[ X(t) = i ]` is the probability that the system is in each of the :math:`n` states. These probabilities evolve forward in time, governed by an :math:`n \times n` transition rate matrix :math:`K` .. math :: dP(t)/dt = P(t) \cdot K The solution is .. math :: P(t) = \exp(tK) \cdot P(0) Where :math:`\exp(tK)` is the matrix exponential. Written differently, the state-to-state lag-:math:`\tau` transition probabilities are .. math :: Pr[ X(t+\tau) = j \;|\; X(t) = i ] = \exp(\tau K)_{ij} For this model, we observe the evolution of one or more chains, :math:`X(t)` at a regular interval, :math:`\tau`. Let :math:`C_{ij}` be the number of times the chain was observed at state :math:`i` at time :math:`t` and at state :math:`j` at time :math:`t+\tau` (the number of observed transition counts). Suppose that :math:`K` depends on a parameter vector, :math:`\theta`. The log-likelihood is .. math :: \mathcal{L}(\theta) = \sum_{ij} \left[ C_{ij} \log\left(\left[\exp(\tau K(\theta))\right]_{ij}\right)\right] The :class:`ContinuousTimeMSM` model finds a rate matrix that fits the data by maximizing this likelihood expression. Specifically, it uses L-BFGS-B to find a maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) rate matrix, :math:`\hat{\theta}` and :math:`K(\hat{\theta})`. Uncertainties ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Analytical estimates of the asymptotic standard deviation in estimated parameters like the stationary distribution, rate matrix, eigenvalues, and relaxation timescales can be computed by calling methods on the :class:`ContinuousTimeMSM` object. See [1] for more detail. Algorithms ---------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: _ratematrix/ ContinuousTimeMSM References ---------- .. [1] McGibbon, R. T. and V. S. Pande, "Efficient maximum likelihood parameterization of continuous-time Markov processes." J. Chem. Phys. 143 034109 (2015) http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4926516 .. [2] Kalbfleisch, J. D., and Jerald F. Lawless. "The analysis of panel data under a Markov assumption." J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 80.392 (1985): 863-871. .. vim: tw=75