.. _changelog: Changelog ========= v3.7 (January 26, 2017) ------------------------- We're pleased to announce the release of MSMBuilder 3.7. This release introduces several new featurizers that can handle multiple sequences or multiple chains within a topology file. There are also some bugfixes and API hygiene improvements. We recommend all users upgrade to MSMBuilder 3.7. API Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``TrajFeatureUnion`` and ``SubsetFeatureUnion`` have been removed due to incompatibilities with the ``scikit-learn`` API. New Features ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``KSparseTICA`` lets you specify the number of non-zero entries, ``k`` rather than a regularization strength (gh-916). - ``BootStrapMarkovStateModel`` optionally saves all the models that it generates (gh-919). - ``tICA`` supports commute mapping (see 10.1021/acs.jctc.6b00762) (gh-925). - ``CommonContactFeaturizer`` featurizes different trajectories with different topologies using a common set of inter-residue contacts (gh-876). - ``msmbuilder.tpt.mfpt.mfpts`` can now compute distributions of MFPTs, accounting for the model error due to finite sampling. - Three new featurization schemes for protein-ligand trajectories are now available: ``LigandContactFeaturizer``, ``BinaryLigandContactFeaturizer``, and ``LigandRMSDFeaturizer`` (gh-883). Improvements ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Compatibility with scikit-learn 0.18 (gh-915). - ``FeatureSelector`` feature order is deterministic (gh-920). - ``SASAFeaturizer`` supports the ``describe_features`` method (gh-913). - All ``LandmarkAgglomerative`` clusterers now have ``cluster_centers_`` except when ``metric = rmsd`` (gh-958) v3.6 (September 15, 2016) ------------------------- We're pleased to announce the release of MSMBuilder 3.6. This release introduces project templating and a whole host of new ``sklearn`` estimators. There are also some bugfixes and API hygiene improvements. We recommend all users upgrade to MSMBuilder 3.6. API Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``version.short_version`` is now 3.y instead of 3.y.z (gh-829). - ``weighted_transform`` is no longer supported in tICA methods (gh-807). Please used ``kinetic_mapping``. - The cached filenames and formats for DoubleWell, QuadWell, and MullerPotential example datasets have changed. The API through ``msmbuilder.example_datasets`` is still the same, but the data may be re-generated instead of using a cached version from a previous installation of MSMBuilder (gh-854). - The alias for Ward clustering has been removed. Modelers should now use ``LandmarkAgglomerative(linkage='ward')`` (gh-874). Ward clustering is also available in ``AgglomerativeClustering``, but without a prediction algorithm. New Features ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``Butterworth``, ``DoubleEWMA``, ``StandardScaler``, ``RobustScaler`` are available via the command line (gh-895). - ``BinaryContactFeaturizer`` featurizes a trajectory into a boolean array corresponding to whether each residue-residue distance is below a cutoff (gh-798). - ``LogisticContactFeaturizer`` produces a logistic transform of residue-residue distances about a center distance (#798). - ``FactorAnalysis``, ``FastICA``, and ``KernelPCA`` are available in the ``decomposition`` module (gh-807). - ``Butterworth``, ``EWMA``, and ``DoubleEWMA`` are available in the ``preprocessing`` module (gh-818). - We encourage users to download the ``msmb_data`` conda package to easily install example data. The data can be loaded through existing methods in ``msmbuilder.example_datasets`` (gh-854, gh-867). - An example dataset ``MinimalFsPeptide`` is available. This is a strided version of the existing ``FsPeptide`` dataset. We use it for testing, when a fully-converged dataset is not required (gh-867). - Project templates! Read the new tutorial or the :ref:`io` page for details (gh-768). - ``LandmarkAgglomerative`` clustering now features the ``ward`` linkage option. An algorithm for predicting cluster assignments with the ``ward`` objective function has been developed and implemented (gh-874). Improvements ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Remove a unicode character from ``ktica.py`` (gh-833) - ``msmbuilder.decomposition.KernelTICA`` now includes all parameters in its ``__init__``, making it compatible with Osprey (gh-823). - ``msmbuilder.tpt`` methods can now handle ``BayesianMarkovStateModels`` as input. Please note that we still do not recommend using this module with ``BootStrapMarkovStateModel``. v3.5 (June 14, 2016) -------------------- We're pleased to announce the release of MSMBuilder 3.5. This release wraps more relevant ``sklearn`` estimators and transformers. There are also some bugfixes and API hygiene improvements. We recommend all users upgrade to MSMBuilder 3.5. API Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``msmbuilder.featurizer.FeatureUnion`` is now deprecated. Please use ``msmbuilder.feature_selection.FeatureSelector`` instead (#799). - ``msmbuilder.feature_extraction`` has been added to conform to the ``scikit-learn`` API. This is essentially an alias of ``msmbuilder.featurizer`` (#799). New Features ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``KernelTICA``, ``Nystroem``, and ``LandmarkNystroem`` are available in the ``decomposition`` module (#807). - ``FeatureSelector`` and ``VarianceThreshold`` are available in the ``feature_selection`` module (#799). - ``SparsePCA`` and ``MiniBatchSparsePCA`` are available in the ``decomposition`` module (#791). - ``Binarizer``, ``FunctionTransformer``, ``Imputer``, ``KernelCenterer``, ``LabelBinarizer``, ``MultiLabelBinarizer``, ``MinMaxScaler``, ``MaxAbsScaler``, ``Normalizer``, ``RobustScaler``, ``StandardScaler``, and ``PolynomialFeatures`` are available in the ``preprocessing`` module (#796). Improvements ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Fix a compilation error on gcc 5 (#783) - Fix pickle-ing of ``ContinuousTimeMSM``. The ``optimizer_state_`` parameter is not saved (#822). v3.4 (March 29, 2016) --------------------- We're pleased to announce MSMBuilder 3.4. It contains a plethora of new features, bug fixes, and improvements. API Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~ - Range-based slicing on dataset objects is no longer allowed. Keys in the dataset object don't have to be continuous. The empty slice, e.g. ``ds[:]`` loads all trajectories in a list (#610). - Ward clustering has been renamed AgglomerativeClustering in scikit-learn. Please use the new msmbuilder wrapper class AgglomerativeClustering. An alias for Ward has been made available (#685). - ``PCCA.trimmed_microstates_to_macrostates`` has been removed. This dictionary was actually keyed by *untrimmed* microstate labels. ``PCCA.transform`` would throw an exception when operating on a system with trimming because it was using this misleading dictionary. Please use ``pcca.microstate_mapping_`` for this functionality (#709). - ``UnionDataset`` has been removed after deprecation in 3.3. Please use ``FeatureUnion`` instead (#671). - ``SubsetFeaturizer`` and ilk have been removed from the ``msmbuilder.featurizer`` namespace. Please import them from ``msmbuilder.featurizer.subset`` (#738). - ``FirstSlicer`` has been removed. Use ``Slicer(first=x)`` for the same functionality (#738). - ``msmbuilder.featurizer.load`` has been removed. ``Featurizer.save`` has been removed. Please use ``utils.load``, ``utils.dump`` (#738). New Features ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Dataset objects can call, ``fit_transform_with()`` to simplify the common pattern of applying an estimator to a dataset object to produce a new dataset object (#610). - ``kinetic_mapping`` is a new option to ``tICA``. It's similar to ``weighted_transform``, but based on a better theoretical framework. ``weighted_transform`` is deprecated (#766). - ``VonMisesFeaturizer`` uses soft bins around the unit-circle to give an alternate representation of dihedral angles (#744). - ``MarkovStateModel`` has a ``partial_transform()`` method (#707). - ``KappaAngleFeaturizer`` is available via the command line (#681). - ``MarkovStateModel`` has a new attribute, ``percent_retained_``, for ergodic trimming (#689). - ``AlphaAngleFeaturizer`` computes the dihedral angles between alpha carbons (#691). - ``FunctionFeaturizer`` computes features based on an arbitrary Python function or callable (#717). - Automatic State Partitioning (APM) uses kinetic information to cluster conformations (#748). Improvements ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Consistent counts setup and ergodic cutoff across various flavors of Markov models (#718, #729, #701, #705). - Tests no longer depend on ``sklearn.hmm``, which has been removed (#690). - Improvements to ``RSMDFeaturizer`` (#695, #764). - ``SparseTICA`` is completely re-written with large performance improvements when dealing with large numbers of features (#704). - Links for downloading example data are un-broken after figshare changed URLs (#751). v3.3 (August 27, 2015) ---------------------- We're pleased to announce the release of MSMBuilder v3.3.0. The focus of this release is a completely re-written module for constructing HMMs as well as bug fixes and incremental improvements. API Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``FeatureUnion`` is an estimator that deprecates the functionality of ``UnionDataset``. Passing a list of paths to ``dataset()`` will no longer automatically yield a ``UnionDataset``. This behavior is still available by specifying ``fmt="dir-npy-union"``, but is deprecated (#611). - The command line flag for featurizers ``--out`` (deprecated in 3.2) now saves the featurizer as a pickle file (#546). Please use ``--transformed`` for the old behavior. This is consistent with other command-line commands. - The default number of timescales in ``MarkovStateModel`` is now one less than the number of states (was 10). This addresses some bugs with ``implied_timescales`` and PCCA(+) (#603). New Features ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``GaussianHMM`` and ``VonMisesHMM`` is rewritten to feature higher code reuse and code quality (#583, #582, #584, #572, #570). - ``KDTree`` can find n nearest points to e.g. a cluster center (#599). - ``Slicer`` featurizer can slice feature arrays as part of a pipeline (#567). Improvements ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``PCCAPlus`` is compatible with scipy 0.16 (#620). - Documentation improvements (#618, #608, #604, #602) - Test improvements, especially for Windows (#593, #590, #588, #579, #578, #577, #576) - Bug fix: ``MarkovStateModel.sample()`` produced trajectories of incorrect length. This function is still deprecated (#556). - Bug fix: The muller example dataset did not respect users' specifications for initial coordinates (#631). - ``MarkovStateModel.draw_samples`` failed if discrete trajectories did not contain every possible state (#638). Function can now accept a single trajectory, as well as a list of them. - ``SuperposeFeaturizer`` now respects the topology argument when loading the reference trajectory (#555). v3.2 (April 14, 2015) --------------------- - ``tICA`` ignores too-short trajectories during fitting instead of raising an exception - New methods for sampling from MSM models - Datasets can be opened in "append" mode - Compatibility with scipy 0.16 - ``utils.dump`` saves using the pickle protocol. ``utils.load`` is backwards compatible. - The command line flag for featurizers ``--out`` is deprecated. Use ``--transformed`` instead. This is consistent with other command-line commands. - Bug fixes v3.1 (Feb 27, 2015) ------------------- - Numerous improvements to ``ContinuousTimeMSM`` optimization - Switch ``ContinuousTimeMSM.score`` to transmat-style GMRQ - New example dataset with Muller potential - Assorted bug fixes in the command line layer v3.0.1 (January 9, 2015) ------------------------ - Fix missing file on PyPI. v3.0.0 (January 9, 2015) ------------------------ MSMBuilder 3.0 is a complete rewrite of our `previous work `_. The focus is on power and extensibility, with a much wider class of estimators and models supported throughout the codebase. All users are encouraged to switch to MSMBuilder 3.0. Pre-release versions of MSMBuilder 3.0 were called mixtape.