
msmexplorer.plot_stackdist(data, size=0.5, aspect=12, x_labels=None, y_labels=None, palette=None, g=None)

Plot stacked distributions (a.k.a Joy plot) of data.


data : list of ndarrays

A list of 2D numpy arrays with dimensions (n_observations, n_features)

size : scalar, optional (default: .5)

Height (in inches) of each facet. See also: aspect.

aspect : scalar, optional (default: 12)

Aspect ratio of each facet, so that aspect * size gives the width of each facet in inches.

x_labels : list, optional (default: None)

A list of str labels for feature-axis

y_labels : list, optional (default: None)

A list of str labels for y-axis

palette : list of colors, optional (default: None)

List of colors for plots. If None, the default MSMExplorer colors are used.

g : Seaborn.FacetGrid, optional (default: None)

Pre-initialized FacetGrid to use for plotting.


g : Seaborn.FacetGrid

Seaborn FacetGrid of the stacked distributions.