.. _installing: Installing and getting started ------------------------------ To install the released version of msmexplorer, you can use ``pip``: .. code:: bash $ pip install msmexplorer It's also possible to install the released version using ``conda``: .. code:: bash $ conda install -c omnia msmexplorer Alternatively, you can use ``pip`` to install the development version, with the command: .. code:: bash $ pip install git+git://github.com/msmexplorer/msmexplorer.git#egg=msmexplorer Another option would be to to clone the `github repository `_ and install with ``pip install .`` from the source directory. MSMExplorer itself is pure Python, so installation should be reasonably straightforward. Dependencies ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Python 3.4+ Mandatory dependencies ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The latest versions of the following packages are required: - `numpy `__ - `scipy `__ - `matplotlib `__ - `networkx `__ - `pandas `__ - `seaborn `__ - `statsmodels `__ - `corner `__ - `mdtraj `__ - `msmbuilder `__ Importing msmexplorer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By convention, ``msmexplorer`` is abbreviated to ``msme`` on import. Bugs ~~~~ Please report any bugs you encounter through the github `issue tracker `_. It will be most helpful to include a reproducible example. It is difficult debug any issues without knowing the versions of ``msmexplorer``, ``seaborn``, and ``matplotlib`` you are using, as well as what ``matplotlib`` backend you are using to draw the plots, so please include those in your bug report.