Getting Started =============== Introduction ------------ Getting started with Osprey is as simple as setting up a single ``YAML`` configuration file. This configuration file will contain your model estimators, hyperparameter search strategy, hyperparameter search space, dataset information, cross-validation strategy, and a path to a ``SQL``-like database. You can use the command ``osprey skeleton`` to generate an example configuration file. First, we will describe how to prepare your dataset for Osprey. Then, we will show how to use Osprey for a simple scikit-learn classification task. We'll also demonstrate how one might use Osprey to model a `molecular dynamics (MD) `_ dataset. And finally, we'll show how to query and use your final Osprey results. Formatting Your Dataset ----------------------- Osprey supports a wide variety of file formats (see `here <./config_file.html#dataset-loader>`_ for a full list); however, some of these offer more flexibility than others. In general, your data should be formatted as a two-dimensional array, where columns represent different features or variables and rows are individual observations. This is a fairly natural format for delimiter-separated value files (e.g ``.csv``, ``.tsv``), which Osprey handles natively using ``DSVDatasetLoader``. If you choose to save your dataset as a ``.pkl``, ``.npz``, or ``.npy`` file, it's as simple as saving your datasets as 2d NumPy arrays. Note that each file should only contain a single NumPy array. If you'd like to store multiple arrays to a single file for Osprey to read, we recommend storing your data in an HDF5 file. When working with datasets with labels or a response variable, there are slight differences in how your data should be stored. With delimiter-separated value, NumPY files, and HDF5 files, you can simply append these as an additional column and then select its index as the ``y_col`` parameter in the corresponding dataset loader. With Pickle and JobLib files, you should instead save each as a separate value in a ``dict`` object and declare the corresponding keys (``x_name`` and ``y_name``) in the ``JoblibDatasetLoader``. Please note that if you wish to use multiple response variables the ``JoblibDatasetLoader`` is the only dataset loader currently equipped to do so. SVM Classification with ``scikit-learn`` ---------------------------------------- Let's train a basic C-Support Vector Classification example using ``scikit-learn`` and introduce the basic ``YAML`` fields for Osprey. To tell Osprey that we want to use ``sklearn``'s ``SVC`` as our estimator, we can type: .. code:: yaml estimator: entry_point: sklearn.svm.SVC If we want to use random search to decide where to search next in hyperparameter space, we can add: .. code:: yaml strategy: name: random The search space can be defined for any hyperparameter available in the ``estimator`` class. Here we can adjust the value range of the ``C`` and ``gamma`` hyperparamters. We'll search over a range of 0.1 to 10 for ``C`` and over 1E-5 to 1 in log-space (note: ``warp: log``) for ``gamma``. .. code:: yaml search_space: C: min: 0.1 max: 10 type: float gamma: min: 1e-5 max: 1 warp: log type: float To perform 5-fold cross validation, we add: .. code:: yaml cv: 5 To load the digits classification example dataset from ``scikit-learn``, we write: .. code:: yaml dataset_loader: name: sklearn_dataset params: method: load_digits And finally we need to list the SQLite database where our cross-validation results will be saved: .. code:: yaml trials: uri: sqlite:///osprey-trials.db Once this all has been written to a ``YAML`` file (in this example ``config.yaml``), we can start an osprey job in the command-line by invoking: .. code:: bash $ osprey worker --n-iters 10 --seed 42 config.yaml The ``--n-iters`` option allows you to specify how many iterations to perform for hyperparameter optimization in this particular worker. The ``--seed`` option allows you to define a random seed to produce a fully reproducible Osprey worker (Note: This overrides the ``random_seed`` option in the configuration file). Molecular Dynamics with ``msmbuilder`` -------------------------------------- Now that we understand the basics, we can move on to a more practical example. This section will go over how to set up a Osprey configuration for cross-validating Markov state models from protein simulations. Our model will be constructed by first calculating torsion angles, performing dimensionality reduction using tICA, clustering using mini-batch k-means, and, finally, an maximum-likelihood estimated Markov state model. We begin by defining a ``Pipeline`` which will construct our desired model: .. code:: yaml estimator: eval: | Pipeline([ ('featurizer', DihedralFeaturizer()), ('tica', tICA()), ('cluster', MiniBatchKMeans()), ('msm', MarkovStateModel(n_timescales=5, verbose=False)), ]) eval_scope: msmbuilder Notice that we can easily set default parameters (e.g. ``msm.n_timescales``) in our ``Pipeline`` even if we don't plan on optimizing them. If we wish to use `gaussian process prediction `__ to decide where to search in hyperparameter space, we can add: .. code:: yaml strategy: name: gp params: seeds: 50 In this example, we'll be optimizing the type of featurization, the number of cluster centers and the number of independent components: .. code:: yaml search_space: featurizer__types: choices: - ['phi', 'psi'] - ['phi', 'psi', 'chi1'] type: enum tica__n_components: min: 2 max: 5 type: int cluster__n_clusters: min: 10 max: 100 type: int As seen in the previous example, we'll set ``tica__n_components`` and ``cluster__n_clusters`` as integers with a set range. Notice that we can change which torsion angles to use in our featurization by creating an ``enum`` which contains a list of different dihedral angle types. In this example, we'll be using 50-50 ``shufflesplit`` cross-validation. This method is optimal for Markov state model cross-validation, as it maximizes the amount of unique data available in your training and test sets: .. code:: yaml cv: name: shufflesplit params: n_splits: 5 test_size: 0.5 We'll be using MDTraj to load our trajectories. Osprey already includes an ``mdtraj`` dataset loader to make it easy to list your trajectory and topology files as a glob-string: .. code:: yaml dataset_loader: name: mdtraj params: trajectories: ~/local/msmbuilder/Tutorial/XTC/*/*.xtc topology: ~/local/msmbuilder/Tutorial/native.pdb stride: 1 And finally we need to list the SQLite database where our cross-validation results will be saved: .. code:: yaml trials: uri: sqlite:///osprey-trials.db Just as before, once this all has been written to a ``YAML`` file we can start an osprey job in the command-line by invoking: .. code:: bash $ osprey worker --n-iters 10 --seed 42 config.yaml Working with Osprey Results --------------------------- As mentioned before, all Osprey results are stored in an SQL-like database, as define by the ``trials`` field in the configuration file. This makes querying and reproducing Osprey results fairly simple. Osprey provides two command-line tools to quickly digest your results: ``current_best`` and ``plot``. ``current_best``, as the name suggests, prints out the best scoring model currently in your trials database, as well as the parameters used to create it. Here's some example output from our SVM classification tutorial above: .. code:: bash $ osprey current_best config.yaml ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Best Current Model = 0.975515 +- 0.013327 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SVC(C=1.0, cache_size=200, class_weight=None, coef0=0.0, decision_function_shape=None, degree=3, gamma='auto', kernel='rbf', max_iter=-1, probability=False, random_state=None, shrinking=True, tol=0.001, verbose=False) C 7.957695018309156 gamma 0.0004726222555749291 This is useful if you just want to get a sense of how well your trials are doing or just want to quickly get the best current result from Osprey. The ``plot`` functionality provides interactive HTML charts using ``bokeh`` (note that ``bokeh`` must be installed to use ``osprey plot``). .. code:: bash $ osprey plot config.yaml The command above opens a browser window with a variety of plots. An example of one such plot, showing the running best SVM model over many iterations, can be seen below: .. raw:: html
          • Hover Tool
            An alternative way to access trial data is to use the Python API to directly access the SQL-like database. Here's an example of loading your Osprey results as a ``pandas.DataFrame``: .. code:: python # Imports from osprey.config import Config # Load Configuation File my_config = 'path/to/config.yaml' config = Config(my_config) # Retrieve Trial Results df = config.trial_results()