

API Changes

  • n_folds and n_iter parameters have been renamed to n_splits to conform to the sklearn API.

New Features

  • Added support for TimeSeriesSplit and LeavePOut cross-validators.

  • Improved osprey dump JSON output. The hyperparameters for each run are now stored along all the other settings in the same dictionary, allowing for subsequent easier loading and plotting.

  • Added max_param_suggestion_retries entry to the config file. This limits the number of times that strategy.suggest is called when attempting to produce a trial with a set of params not previously tested in the history.

  • Added n_jobs flag for osprey worker to control how many threads are used for cross-validation.

  • Added the ability to specify three different acquisition functions for the gaussian processes strategy: expected improvement ei, upper confidence bound, ucb and the original Osprey function (the default), osprey.

  • Refactored code: GP strategy has been replaced by a general Bayes strategy. This will eventually allow different surrogate functions, other than Gaussian Process, to be specified.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue that was causing crashes when there was an attempt to write estimator parameters (e.g. numpy arrays) which couldn’t be serialized by JSON.

  • Fixed crashes when using jump variables of type int.

  • Fixed error in the way integer variables were selected from results of Gaussian processes search strategy.

  • sklearn.grid_search module has been replaced by sklearn.model_selection to conform to new sklearn API


API Changes

  • Implemented Config.trial_results, allowing convenient retrieval of trials as a pandas.DataFrame (#190)

New Features

  • Added random seed via CLI (#196)

  • Added DSVDatasetLoader (#175)

  • Added random_seed as a configurable parameter (#164)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where random_seed was not passed to estimator (#198)

  • Fixed deprecation warning (#192)

  • Fixed ungraceful failures when using GP with a single choice in search space (#191)

  • Fixed parsing of jumpvar (#164)


This is the first stable version of Osprey