Visualization with tICAΒΆ


In this example, we plot a 2D projection of a protein dynamics dataset computed with tICA. The example also demonstrates the use of a Pipeline object to combine a featurizer (AtomPairsFeaturizer) and an estimator (tICA).

In [1]:
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm

from msmbuilder.decomposition import tICA
from msmbuilder.example_datasets import fetch_met_enkephalin
from msmbuilder.featurizer import AtomPairsFeaturizer
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
/Users/rmcgibbo/miniconda/envs/3.4.2/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sklearn/externals/joblib/ UserWarning: [Errno 28] No space left on device.  joblib will operate in serial mode
  warnings.warn('%s.  joblib will operate in serial mode' % (e,))

In [2]:
dataset = fetch_met_enkephalin()
The dataset consists of ten ~50 ns molecular dynamics (MD) simulation
trajectories of the 5 residue Met-enkaphalin peptide. The aggregate
sampling is 499.58 ns. Simulations were performed starting from the 1st
model in the 1PLX PDB file, solvated with 832 TIP3P water molecules using
OpenMM 6.0. The coordinates (protein only -- the water was stripped)
are saved every 5 picoseconds. Each of the ten trajectories is roughly
50 ns long and contains about 10,000 snapshots.

Forcefield: amber99sb-ildn; water: tip3p; nonbonded method: PME; cutoffs:
1nm; bonds to hydrogen were constrained; integrator: langevin dynamics;
temperature: 300K; friction coefficient: 1.0/ps; pressure control: Monte
Carlo barostat (interval of 25 steps); timestep 2 fs.

The dataset is available on figshare at

In [3]:
def fit_and_plot(pipeline, trajectories):
    transformed = pipeline.fit_transform(trajectories)
    transformed = np.concatenate(transformed)

    print('Eiegenvaue sum', pipeline.named_steps['tica'].eigenvalues_.sum())

    x = transformed[:, 0]
    y = transformed[:, 1]

    plt.hist2d(x, y, bins=100, cmap='hot_r', norm=LogNorm())
    plt.xlabel('1st tIC')
    plt.ylabel('2nd tIC')
    plt.title('tICA Heatmap (log color scale)')
In [4]:
# Get all pairs of non-hydrogen atoms
from itertools import combinations
heavy_atoms = dataset.trajectories[0].topology.select_atom_indices('heavy')
heavy_pairs = list(combinations(heavy_atoms, 2))

pipeline1 = Pipeline([
    ('feat', AtomPairsFeaturizer(heavy_pairs)),
    ('tica', tICA(gamma=0, n_components=2)),

fit_and_plot(pipeline1, dataset.trajectories)
Eiegenvaue sum 1.97975036809

(plot-tica-heatmap.ipynb; plot-tica-heatmap_evaluated.ipynb;
