Saving "/home/rmcgibbo/msmbuilder_data/quadwell/version-1_random-state-0.pkl"... (<type 'list'>)
This dataset consists of 100 trajectories simulated with Brownian dynamics
on the reduced potential function
V = 4(x^8 + 0.8 exp(-80 x^2) + 0.2 exp(-80 (x-0.5)^2) + 0.5 exp(-40 (x+0.5)^2)).
The simulations are governed by the stochastic differential equation
dx_t/dt = -\nabla V(x) + \sqrt{2D} * R(t),
where R(t) is a standard normal white-noise process, and D=1e3. The timsetep
is 1e-3. Each trajectory is 10^3 steps long, and starts from a random
initial point sampled from the uniform distribution on [-1, 1].