CMD Intro: FS PeptideΒΆ

MSMBuilder is designed as a python library and a command-line program. The API can be much more powerful, and should be easy for researchers familiar with Python. The command-line interface wraps the most common use cases. Plotting and custom analysis will generally still be done in Python.

  1. The command line tool is msmb. Read the help options:

    msmb -h
  2. In your own research, you probably have a large molecular dynamics dataset that you wish to analyze. For this tutorial, we will perform a quick analysis on a very simple system: alanine-dipeptide. Make a working directory and get an example dataset:

    mkdir ~/msmb_tutorial
    cd ~/msmb_tutorial
    msmb FsPeptide --data_home ./
    ls fs_peptide/
You should see 28 .xtc trajectory files and an fs-peptide.pdb topology file.
  1. First, we need to turn the time-series of atomic coordinates we get from MD into useable “features”. There are many choices of relevant features. We’ll use phi and psi dihedral angles. Remember that \ is the line-continuation operator in bash (for readability). You can enter this command on one line.:

    msmb DihedralFeaturizer  \
        --out featurizer.pkl \
        --transformed diheds \
        --top fs_peptide/fs-peptide.pdb \
        --trjs "fs_peptide/*.xtc"

    We give the topology file, a ‘glob’ expression to all of our trajectories, the atom indices we generated in the previous step, and an output filename.

    Read the help text (via msmb DihedralFeaturizer -h) to make sure you understand each of these options.

  2. We can train a kinetic model like tICA to transform our input features (dihedrals) into the most kinetically relevant linear combinations of those features:

    msmb tICA -i diheds/ \
        --out tica_model.pkl \
        --transformed tica_trajs.h5 \
        --n_components 4
This code takes our feature trajectories from the previous step, fits a tICA model (saved as tica_model.pkl) and transforms our feature trajectories into new trajectories (tica_trajs.h5). We specify that we want the top 4 slowest-components.
  1. We can plot a 2d histogram of the top two tICA coordinates. Save the following to a file
from msmbuilder.dataset import dataset
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

trajs = dataset('tica_trajs.h5')    # Load file
trajs = np.concatenate(trajs)       # Flatten list of trajectories
plt.hexbin(trajs[:,0], trajs[:,1], bins='log', mincnt=1)
  1. Run it with python:

  2. We can build an MSM from the tICA trajectories. First, we need to define states and assign our conformations to those states:

    msmb MiniBatchKMeans -i tica_trajs.h5 \
        --transformed labeled_trajs.h5 \
        --n_clusters 100
  3. At this point, we have reduced the dimensionality of our problem from the thousands of atomic coordinates, to tens of dihedral angles, to a handful of tICA coordinates, to a 1D sequence of state labels. We construct an MSM from these labeled trajectories.:

    msmb MarkovStateModel -i labeled_trajs.h5 \
       --out msm.pkl
       --lag_time 1 \
  4. Further analysis and plotting must be done in python.

from msmbuilder.utils import load
msm = load("msm.pkl")

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