
msmexplorer.plot_tpaths(msm, sources, sinks, for_committors=None, num_paths=1, pos=None, node_color='pomegranate', edge_color='carbon', ax=None, **kwargs)

Plot TPT network diagram.


msm : msmbuilder.msm

MSMBuilder MarkovStateModel

sources : int or list, optional

TPT source states

sinks : int or list, optional

TPT sink states

sinks : ndarray, optional

Pre-computed forward committors

pos : dict, optional

Node positions in dict format (e.g. {node_id : [x, y]})

node_color : str or [r, g, b], optional

networkx node colors

node_size : int, optional

networkx node size

node_size : str or [r, g, b], optional

networkx edge color

ax : matplotlib axis, optional (default: None)

Axis to plot on, otherwise uses current axis.

with_labels : boolean, optional

Whether or not to include node labels (default: True)

**kwargs : dict, optional

Extra arguments to pass to networkx.draw_networkx


ax : Axis

matplotlib figure axis