Mini-Batch K-Means clustering
Parameters: | n_clusters : int, optional, default: 8
max_iter : int, optional
max_no_improvement : int, optional
tol : float, optional
batch_size : int, optional, default: 100
init_size : int, optional, default: 3 * batch_size
init : {‘k-means++’, ‘random’ or an ndarray}
n_init : int, default=3
compute_labels : boolean
random_state : integer or numpy.RandomState, optional
reassignment_ratio : float, optional
cluster_centers_ | (array, [n_clusters, n_features]) Coordinates of cluster centers |
labels_ | (list of arrays, each of shape [sequence_length, ]) The label of each point is an integer in [0, n_clusters). |
inertia_ | (float) The value of the inertia criterion associated with the chosen partition (if compute_labels is set to True). The inertia is defined as the sum of square distances of samples to their nearest neighbor. |
fit(sequences[, y]) | Fit the clustering on the data |
fit_predict(sequences[, y]) | Performs clustering on X and returns cluster labels. |
fit_transform(sequences[, y]) | Alias for fit_predict |
get_params([deep]) | Get parameters for this estimator. |
partial_fit(X[, y]) | Update k means estimate on a single mini-batch X. |
partial_predict(X[, y]) | Predict the closest cluster each sample in X belongs to. |
partial_transform(X) | Alias for partial_predict |
predict(sequences[, y]) | Predict the closest cluster each sample in each sequence in sequences belongs to. |
score(X) | Opposite of the value of X on the K-means objective. |
set_params(**params) | Set the parameters of this estimator. |
summarize() | Return some diagnostic summary statistics about this Markov model |
transform(sequences) | Alias for predict |
__init__([n_clusters, init, max_iter, ...]) | |
fit(sequences[, y]) | Fit the clustering on the data |
fit_predict(sequences[, y]) | Performs clustering on X and returns cluster labels. |
fit_transform(sequences[, y]) | Alias for fit_predict |
get_params([deep]) | Get parameters for this estimator. |
partial_fit(X[, y]) | Update k means estimate on a single mini-batch X. |
partial_predict(X[, y]) | Predict the closest cluster each sample in X belongs to. |
partial_transform(X) | Alias for partial_predict |
predict(sequences[, y]) | Predict the closest cluster each sample in each sequence in sequences belongs to. |
score(X) | Opposite of the value of X on the K-means objective. |
set_params(**params) | Set the parameters of this estimator. |
summarize() | Return some diagnostic summary statistics about this Markov model |
transform(sequences) | Alias for predict |
Fit the clustering on the data
Parameters: | sequences : list of array-like, each of shape [sequence_length, n_features]
Returns: | self |
Performs clustering on X and returns cluster labels.
Parameters: | sequences : list of array-like, each of shape [sequence_length, n_features]
Returns: | Y : list of ndarray, each of shape [sequence_length, ]
Alias for fit_predict
Get parameters for this estimator.
Parameters: | deep: boolean, optional
Returns: | params : mapping of string to any
Update k means estimate on a single mini-batch X.
Parameters: | X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
Predict the closest cluster each sample in X belongs to.
In the vector quantization literature, cluster_centers_ is called the code book and each value returned by predict is the index of the closest code in the code book.
Parameters: | X : array-like shape=(n_samples, n_features)
Returns: | Y : array, shape=(n_samples,)
Alias for partial_predict
Predict the closest cluster each sample in each sequence in sequences belongs to.
In the vector quantization literature, cluster_centers_ is called the code book and each value returned by predict is the index of the closest code in the code book.
Parameters: | sequences : list of array-like, each of shape [sequence_length, n_features]
Returns: | Y : list of arrays, each of shape [sequence_length,]
Opposite of the value of X on the K-means objective.
Parameters: | X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
Returns: | score : float
Set the parameters of this estimator.
The method works on simple estimators as well as on nested objects (such as pipelines). The former have parameters of the form <component>__<parameter> so that it’s possible to update each component of a nested object.
Returns: | self |
Return some diagnostic summary statistics about this Markov model
Alias for predict