
class msmbuilder.cfep.CutCoordinate(counts, generators, reactant, product)[source]

Object containing methods for computing the cut-based free energy profiles of reaction coordinates.


counts : matrixs

A matrix of the transition counts observed in the MSM

generators : msmbuilder trajectory

The generators (or a trajectory containing an exemplar structure) for each state.

reactant : int

Index of the state to use to represent the reactant (unfolded) well

product : int

Index of the state to use to represent the product (folded) well

__init__(counts, generators, reactant, product)[source]


__init__(counts, generators, reactant, product)
evaluate_partition_functions Computes the partition function of the cut-based free energy profile based on transition network and reaction coordinate.
plot([num_bins, filename]) Plot the current cut-based free energy profile.
reaction_mfpt([lag_time]) Calculate the MFPT between the reactant and product states, as given by the reaction coordinate.
rescale_to_natural_coordinate Rescale a cut-based free energy profile along a reaction coordinate such that the diffusion constant is unity for the entire coordinate.
set_coordinate_as_committors([lag_time, ...]) Set the reaction coordinate to be the committors (pfolds).
set_coordinate_as_eigvector2([lag_time, ...]) Set the reaction coordinate to be the second eigenvector of the MSM generated by counts, the provided lag_time, and the provided symmetrization method.
set_coordinate_values(coordinate_values) Set the reaction coordinate manually, by providing coordinate values that come from some external calculation.