tICA is a class for calculating the matrices required to do time-structure based independent component analysis (tICA). It can be used to calculate both the time-lag correlation matrix and covariance matrix. The advantage it has is that you can calculate the matrix for a large dataset by “training” smaller pieces of the dataset at a time.
It can be shown that the time-lag correlation matrix is the same as:
C = E[Outer(X[t], X[t+lag])] - Outer(E[X[t]], E[X[t+lag]])
Because of this it is possible to calculate running sums corresponding to variables A, B, D:
A = E[X[t]] B = E[X[t+lag]] D = E[Outer(X[t], X[t+lag])]
Then at the end we can calculate C:
C = D - Outer(A, B)
Finally we can get a symmetrized C’ from our estimate of C, for example by adding the transpose:
C’ = (C + C^T) / 2
There is, in fact, an MLE estimator for ech matrix C, and S:
S = E[Outer(X[t], X[t])]
The MLE estimators are:
mu = 1 / (2(N - lag)) sum_{t=1}^{N - lag} X[t] + X[t + lag]
C = 1 / (2(N - lag)) * sum_{t=1}^{N - lag} Outer(X[t] - mu, X[t + lag] - mu) + Outer(X[t + lag] - mu, X[t] - mu)
S = 1 / (2(N - lag)) * sum_{t=1}^{N - lag} Outer(X[t] - mu, X[t] - mu) + Outer(X[t + lag] - mu, X[t + lag] - mu)
Create an empty tICA object.
To add data to the object, use the train method.
Parameters: | lag: int :
calc_cov_mat: bool, optional :
prep_metric: msmbuilder.metrics.Vectorized subclass instance, optional :
size: int, optional :
To load an already constructed tICA object, use tICA.load().
__init__(lag[, calc_cov_mat, prep_metric, size]) | Create an empty tICA object. |
get_current_estimate | Calculate the current estimate of the time-lag correlation matrix and the covariance matrix (if asked for). |
initialize(size) | initialize the containers for the calculation |
load(cls, tica_fn) | load a tICA solution to use in projecting data. |
project([trajectory, prep_trajectory, which]) | project a trajectory (or prepared trajectory) onto a subset of |
save(output) | save the results to file |
solve([pca_cutoff]) | Solve the eigenvalue problem. |
train([trajectory, prep_trajectory]) | add a trajectory to the calculation |