# This file is part of MSMBuilder.
# Copyright 2011 Stanford University
# MSMBuilder is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division
from mdtraj.utils.six.moves import xrange
import sys
import scipy.sparse
import scipy.linalg
import scipy.sparse.linalg
import scipy
import numpy as np
import multiprocessing
import warnings
from mdtraj import io
from msmbuilder.utils import uneven_zip
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Set this value to true (msm_analysis.DisableErrorChecking=True) to ignore
# Eigenvector calculation errors. Useful if you need to process disconnected data.
DisableErrorChecking = False
[docs]def get_reversible_eigenvectors(t_matrix, k, populations=None, right=False,
dense_cutoff=50, normalized=False, **kwargs):
r"""Find the k largest left eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a reversible
row-stochastic matrix, sorted by eigenvalue magnitude
t_matrix : sparse or dense matrix
The row-stochastic transition probability matrix
k : int
The number of eigenpairs to calculate. The `k` eigenpairs with the
highest eigenvalues will be returned.
populations : np.ndarray, optional
The equilibrium, stationary distribution of t_matrix. If not supplied,
it can be re-computed from `t_matrix`. But this substantially increases
the runtime of the routine, so if the stationary distribution is known,
it's more efficient to supply it.
right : bool, optional
The default behavior is to compute the *left* eigenvectors of the
transition matrix. This option may be invoked to instead compute the
*right* eigenvectors.
dense_cutoff : int, optional
use dense eigensolver if dimensionality is below this
normalized : bool, optional
normalize the vectors such that
.. math::
\phi_i^T \psi_j = \delta_{ij}
where :math:`\phi_i` is the :math:`i^{th}` left eigenvector,
and :math:`\psi_j` is the :math:`j^{th}` right eigenvector
Other Parameters
Additional keyword arguments are passed directly to ``scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh``.
Refer to the scipy documentation for further details.
eigenvalues : ndarray
1D array of eigenvalues
eigenvectors : ndarray
2D array of eigenvectors
- A reversible transition matrix is one that satisifies the detailed balance
.. math::
\pi_i T_{i,j} = \pi_j T_{j,i}
- A reversible transition matrix satisifies a number of special
conditions. In particular, it is similar to a symmetric matrix
:math:`S_{i, j} = \sqrt{\frac{pi_i}{\pi_j}} T_{i, j} = S_{j, i}`.
This property enables a much more robust solution to the eigenvector
problem, because of the superior numerical stability of hermetian
See Also
get_eigenvectors : computes the eigenpairs of a general row-stochastic matrix,
without requiring that the matrix be reversible.
n = t_matrix.shape[0]
if k > n:
logger.warning("You cannot calculate %d eigenvectors from a %d x %d matrix." % (k, n, n))
k = n
logger.warning("Instead, calculating %d eigenvectors." % k)
if n < dense_cutoff and scipy.sparse.issparse(t_matrix):
t_matrix = t_matrix.toarray()
elif k >= n - 1 and scipy.sparse.issparse(t_matrix):
logger.warning("ARPACK cannot calculate %d eigenvectors from a %d x %d matrix." % (k, n, n))
k = n - 2
logger.warning("Instead, calculating %d eigenvectors." % k)
if populations is None:
populations = get_eigenvectors(t_matrix, 1, **kwargs)[1][:, 0] # This should work for BOTH dense and sparse.
# Get the left eigenvectors using the sparse hermetian eigensolver
# on the symmetrized transition matrix
root_pi = populations**(0.5)
root_pi_diag = scipy.sparse.diags(root_pi, offsets=0).tocsr()
root_pi_diag_inv = scipy.sparse.diags(1.0 / root_pi, offsets=0).tocsr()
symtrans = root_pi_diag.dot(scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(t_matrix)).dot(root_pi_diag_inv) # Force temporary conversion to sparse
if scipy.sparse.issparse(t_matrix):
values, vectors = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh(symtrans.T, k=k, which='LA', **kwargs)
values, vectors = np.linalg.eigh(symtrans.toarray().T)
# Reorder the eigenpairs by descending eigenvalue
order = np.argsort(-np.real(values))
values = values[order]
vectors = vectors[:, order]
# the eigenvectors of symtrans are a rotated version of the eigenvectors
# of transmat that we want
left_vectors = (root_pi * vectors.T).T
# normalize the first eigenvector (populations)
left_vectors[:, 0] /= np.sum(left_vectors[:, 0])
# normalize the left eigenvectors
if normalized:
lengths = np.sum(left_vectors * left_vectors / left_vectors[:, 0:1], axis=0, keepdims=True)
left_vectors = left_vectors / np.sqrt(lengths)
if right:
right_vectors = left_vectors / left_vectors[:, 0:1]
return np.real(values[0:k]), np.real(right_vectors[:, 0:k])
return np.real(values[0:k]), np.real(left_vectors[:, 0:k])
[docs]def get_eigenvectors(t_matrix, n_eigs, epsilon=.001, dense_cutoff=50, right=False,
tol=1E-30, normalized=False):
"""Get the left eigenvectors of a transition matrix, sorted by
eigenvalue magnitude
t_matrix : sparse or dense matrix
transition matrix. if `T` is sparse, the sparse eigensolver will be used
n_eigs : int
How many eigenvalues to calculate
epsilon : float, optional
Throw error if `T` is not a stochastic matrix, with tolerance given by `Epsilon`
dense_cutoff : int, optional
use dense eigensolver if dimensionality is below this
right : bool, optional
if true, compute the right eigenvectors instead of the left
tol : float, optional
Convergence criterion for sparse eigenvalue solver.
normalized : bool, optional
normalize the vectors such that
.. math::
\phi_i^T \psi_j = \delta_{ij}
where :math:`\phi_i` is the :math`i^{th}` left eigenvector, and :math:`\psi_j`
is the :math:`j^{th}` right eigenvector
eigenvalues : ndarray
1D array of eigenvalues
eigenvectors : ndarray
2D array of eigenvectors
- Left eigenvectors satisfy the relation :math:`V \mathbf{T} = \lambda V`
- Vectors are returned in columns of matrix.
- Too large a value of tol may lead to unstable results. See GitHub issue #174.
check_transition(t_matrix, epsilon)
n = t_matrix.shape[0]
if n_eigs > n:
logger.warning("You cannot calculate %d Eigenvectors from a %d x %d matrix." % (n_eigs, n, n))
n_eigs = n
logger.warning("Instead, calculating %d Eigenvectors." % n_eigs)
if n < dense_cutoff and scipy.sparse.issparse(t_matrix):
t_matrix = t_matrix.toarray()
elif n_eigs >= n - 1 and scipy.sparse.issparse(t_matrix):
logger.warning("ARPACK cannot calculate %d Eigenvectors from a %d x %d matrix." % (n_eigs, n, n))
n_eigs = n - 2
logger.warning("Instead, calculating %d Eigenvectors." % n_eigs)
# get the left eigenvectors
t_matrix = t_matrix.transpose()
if scipy.sparse.issparse(t_matrix):
values, vectors = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigs(t_matrix.tocsr(), n_eigs, which="LR", maxiter=100000,tol=tol)
values, vectors = scipy.linalg.eig(t_matrix)
order = np.argsort(-np.real(values))
e_lambda = values[order]
left_vectors = vectors[:, order]
check_for_bad_eigenvalues(e_lambda, cutoff_value=1 - epsilon) # this is bad IMO --TJL
# normalize the first eigenvector (populations)
left_vectors[:, 0] /= sum(left_vectors[:, 0])
if normalized:
lengths = np.sum(left_vectors * left_vectors / left_vectors[:, 0:1], axis=0, keepdims=True)
left_vectors = left_vectors / np.sqrt(lengths)
if right:
right_vectors = left_vectors / left_vectors[:, 0:1]
e_vectors = right_vectors
e_vectors = left_vectors
e_lambda = np.real(e_lambda[0: n_eigs])
e_vectors = np.real(e_vectors[:, 0: n_eigs])
return e_lambda, e_vectors
[docs]def get_implied_timescales(assignments_fn, lag_times, n_implied_times=100, sliding_window=True, trimming=True, symmetrize=None, n_procs=1):
"""Calculate implied timescales in parallel using multiprocessing library. Does not work in interactive mode.
AssignmentsFn : str
Path to Assignments.h5 file on disk
LagTimes : list
List of lag times to calculate the timescales at
NumImpledTimes : int, optional
Number of implied timescales to calculate at each lag time
Slide : bool, optional
Use sliding window
Trim : bool, optional
Use ergodic trimming
Symmetrize : {'MLE', 'Transpose', None}
Symmetrization method
nProc : int
number of processes to use in parallel (multiprocessing
formatedLags : ndarray
RTM 6/27 I'm not quite sure what the semantics of the output is. It's not
trivial and undocummented.
See Also
MSMLib.mle_reversible_count_matrix : (MLE symmetrization)
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=n_procs)
# subtle bug possibility; uneven_zip will let strings be iterable, whicj
# we dont want
inputs = uneven_zip([assignments_fn], lag_times, n_implied_times,
sliding_window, trimming, [symmetrize])
result = pool.map_async(get_implied_timescales_helper, inputs)
lags = result.get(999999)
# reformat
formatted_lags = []
for i, (lag_time_array, implied_timescale_array) in enumerate(lags):
for j, lag_time in enumerate(lag_time_array):
implied_timescale = implied_timescale_array[j]
formatted_lags.append([lag_time, implied_timescale])
formatted_lags = np.array(formatted_lags)
return formatted_lags
def get_implied_timescales_helper(args):
"""Helper function to compute implied timescales with multiprocessing
Does not work in interactive mode
assignments_fn : str
Path to Assignments.h5 file on disk
n_states : int
Number of states
lag_time : list
List of lag times to calculate the timescales at
n_implied_times : int, optional
Number of implied timescales to calculate at each lag time
sliding_window : bool, optional
Use sliding window
trimming : bool, optional
Use ergodic trimming
symmetrize : {'MLE', 'Transpose', None}
Symmetrization method
lagTimes : ndarray
vector of lag times
impTimes : ndarray
vector of implied timescales
See Also
assignments_fn, lag_time, n_implied_times, sliding_window, trimming, symmetrize = args
logger.info("Calculating implied timescales at lagtime %d" % lag_time)
assignments = io.loadh(assignments_fn, 'arr_0')
except KeyError:
assignments = io.loadh(assignments_fn, 'Data')
from msmbuilder import MSMLib
counts = MSMLib.get_count_matrix_from_assignments(assignments, lag_time=lag_time,
rev_counts, t_matrix, populations, mapping = MSMLib.build_msm(counts, symmetrize, trimming)
except ValueError as e:
n_eigenvectors = n_implied_times + 1
if symmetrize in ['MLE', 'Transpose']:
e_values = get_reversible_eigenvectors(t_matrix, n_eigenvectors, populations=populations)[0]
e_values = get_eigenvectors(t_matrix, n_eigenvectors, epsilon=1)[0]
# Correct for possible change in n_eigenvectors from trimming
n_eigenvectors = len(e_values)
n_implied_times = n_eigenvectors - 1
# make sure to leave off equilibrium distribution
lag_times = lag_time * np.ones((n_implied_times))
imp_times = -lag_times / np.log(e_values[1: n_eigenvectors])
return (lag_times, imp_times)
def check_for_bad_eigenvalues(eigenvalues, decimal=5, cutoff_value=0.999999):
"""Ensure that all eigenvalues are less than or equal to one
Having multiple eigenvalues of lambda>=1 suggests either non-ergodicity or
numerical error.
Eigenvalues : ndarray
1D array of eigenvalues to check
decimal : deprecated (marked 6/27)
this doesn't do anything
CutoffValue: float, optional
Tolerance used
Checks that the first eigenvalue is within `CutoffValue` of 1, and that the second
eigenvalue is not greater than `CutoffValue`
if abs(eigenvalues[0] - 1) > 1 - cutoff_value:
warnings.warn(("WARNING: the largest eigenvalue is not 1, "
"suggesting numerical error. Try using 64 or 128 bit precision."))
if eigenvalues[1] > cutoff_value:
warnings.warn(("WARNING: the second largest eigenvalue (x) is close "
" to 1, suggesting numerical error or nonergodicity. Try using 64 "
"or 128 bit precision. Your data may also be disconnected, in "
"which case you cannot simultaneously model both disconnected "
"components. Try collecting more data or trimming the "
" disconnected pieces."))
[docs]def project_observable_onto_transition_matrix(observable, tprob, num_modes=25):
Projects an observable vector onto a probability transition matrix's
The function first decomposes the matrix `tprob` into `num_modes`
different eigenvectors, sorted by eigenvalue. Then, it returns the
amplitude of the projection of the observable onto each of those
This projection gives an estimate of how strong an
experimental signal will be see at each timescale - though the actual
experimental response will also be modulated by the populations of
states at play.
observable : array_like, float
a one-dimensional array of the values of a given observable for
each state in the MSM
tprob : matrix
the transition probability matrix
num_modes : int
the number of eigenmodes to calculate (the top ones, sorted by mag.)
timescales : array_like, float
the timescales of each eigenmode, in units of the lagtime of `tprob`
amplitudes : array_like, float
the amplitudes of the projection of `observable` onto each mode
The stationary mode is always discarded
The eigenvalues/vectors are calculated from scratch, so this function
may take a little while to run
if num_modes + 1 > tprob.shape[0]:
logger.warning("cannot get %d eigenmodes from a rank %d matrix", num_modes + 1, tprob.shape[0])
logger.warning("Getting as many modes as possible...")
num_modes = tprob.shape[0] - 1
eigenvalues, eigenvectors = get_eigenvectors(tprob, num_modes + 1, right=True)
# discard the stationary eigenmode
eigenvalues = np.real(eigenvalues[1:])
eigenvectors = np.real(eigenvectors[:, 1:])
timescales = - 1.0 / np.log(eigenvalues)
amplitudes = np.zeros(num_modes)
for mode in range(num_modes):
amplitudes[mode] = np.dot(observable, eigenvectors[:, mode])
return timescales, amplitudes
[docs]def sample(transition_matrix, state, steps, traj=None, force_dense=False):
"""Generate a random sequence of states by propogating a transition matrix.
transition_matrix : sparse or dense matrix
A transition matrix
State : {int, None, ndarray}
Starting state for trajectory. If State is an integer, it will be used
as the initial state. If State is None, an initial state will be
randomly chosen from an uniform distribution. If State is an array, it
represents a probability distribution from which the initial
state will be drawn. If a trajectory is specified (see Traj keyword),
this variable will be ignored, and the last state of that trajectory
will be used.
Steps : int
How many steps to generate.
Traj : list, optional
An existing trajectory (python list) can be input; results will be
appended to it
ForceDense : bool, deprecated
Force dense arithmatic. Can speed up results for small models (OBSOLETE).
Traj : list
Sequence of states as a python list
n_states = transition_matrix.shape[0]
if scipy.sparse.isspmatrix(transition_matrix):
transition_matrix = transition_matrix.tocsr()
# reserve room for the new trajectory (will be appended to an existing trajectory at the end if necessary)
newtraj = [-1] * steps
# determine initial state
if traj is None or len(traj) == 0:
if state is None:
state = np.random.randint(n_states)
elif isinstance(state, np.ndarray):
state = np.where(scipy.random.multinomial(1, state / sum(state)) == 1)[0][0]
newtraj[0] = state
start = 1
state = traj[-1]
start = 0
if not state < n_states:
raise ValueError("Intial state is %s, but should be between 0 and %s." % (state, n_states - 1))
# sample the Markov chain
if isinstance(transition_matrix, np.ndarray):
for i in xrange(start, steps):
p = transition_matrix[state, :]
state = np.where(scipy.random.multinomial(1, p) == 1)[0][0]
newtraj[i] = state
elif isinstance(transition_matrix, scipy.sparse.csr_matrix):
if force_dense:
# Lutz: this is the old code path that converts the row of transition probabilities to a dense array at each step.
# With the optimized handling of sparse matrices below, this can probably be deleted altogether.
for i in xrange(start, steps):
p = transition_matrix[state, :].toarray().flatten()
state = np.where(scipy.random.multinomial(1, p) == 1)[0][0]
newtraj[i] = state
for i in xrange(start, steps):
# Lutz: slicing sparse matrices is very slow (compared to slicing ndarrays)
# To avoid slicing, use the underlying data structures of the CSR format directly
T = transition_matrix
vals = T.indices[T.indptr[state]:T.indptr[state + 1]] # the column indices of the non-zero entries are the possible target states
p = T.data[T.indptr[state]:T.indptr[state + 1]] # the data values of the non-zero entries are the corresponding probabilities
state = vals[np.where(scipy.random.multinomial(1, p) == 1)[0][0]]
newtraj[i] = state
raise RuntimeError("Unknown matrix type: %s" % type(T))
# return the new trajectory, or the concatenation of the old trajectory with the new one
if traj is None:
return newtraj
return traj
[docs]def propagate_model(transition_matrix, n_steps, initial_populations, observable_vector=None):
"""Propogate the time evolution of a population vector.
T : ndarray or sparse matrix
A transition matrix
NumSteps : int
How many timesteps to iterate
initial_populations : ndarray
The initial population vector
observable_vector : ndarray
Vector containing the state-wise averaged property of some observable.
Can be used to propagate properties such as fraction folded, ensemble
average RMSD, etc. Default: None
X : ndarray
Final population vector, after propagation
obslist : list
list of floats of length equal to the number of steps, giving the mean value
of the observable (dot product of `ObservableVector` and populations) at
each timestep
See Also
if observable_vector == None:
check_dimensions(transition_matrix, initial_populations)
check_dimensions(transition_matrix, initial_populations, observable_vector)
X = initial_populations.copy()
obslist = []
if scipy.sparse.issparse(transition_matrix):
TC = transition_matrix.tocsr()
TC = transition_matrix
Tl = scipy.sparse.linalg.aslinearoperator(TC)
for i in xrange(n_steps):
X = Tl.rmatvec(X)
if observable_vector is not None:
obslist.append(sum(observable_vector * X))
return X, obslist
[docs]def calc_expectation_timeseries(tprob, observable, init_pop=None, timepoints=10 ** 6, n_modes=100, lagtime=15.0):
Calculates the expectation value over time <A(t)> for some `observable`
in an MSM. Does this by eigenvalue decomposition, according to the eq
math :: \langle A \rangle (t) = \sum_{i=0}^N \langle p(0), \psi^L_i
\rangle e^{ - \lambda_i t } \langle \psi^R_i, A \rangle
tprob : matrix
The transition probability matrix (of size N) for the MSM.
observable : array_like, float
A len N array of the values A of the observable for each state.
init_pop : array_like, float
A len N array of the initial populations of each state. If None
is passed, then the function will start from even populations in
each state.
timepoints : int
The number of timepoints to calculate - the final timeseries will
be in length LagTime x `timepoints`
n_modes : int
The number of eigenmodes to include in the calculation. This
number will depend on the timescales involved in the relatation
of the observable.
timeseries : array_like, float
A timeseries of the observable over time, in units of the lag time
of the transition matrix.
# first, perform the eigendecomposition
lambd, psi_L = get_eigenvectors(tprob, n_modes, right=False)
psi_L = np.real(psi_L)
lambd = np.real(lambd)
pos_ind = np.where(lambd > 0)[0]
lambd = lambd[pos_ind]
psi_L = psi_L[:, pos_ind]
n_modes = len(lambd)
logger.info("Found %d non-negative eigenvalues" % n_modes)
# normalize eigenvectors
pi = psi_L[:, 0]
pi /= pi.sum()
np.savetxt('calculated_populations.dat', pi)
psi_R = np.zeros(psi_L.shape)
for i in range(n_modes):
psi_L[:, i] /= np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(psi_L[:, i]) / pi))
psi_R[:, i] = psi_L[:, i] / pi
if lagtime:
logger.info("Shortest timescale process included: %s", -lagtime / np.log(np.min(lambd)))
# figure out the initial populations
if init_pop == None:
init_pop = np.ones(tprob.shape[0])
init_pop /= init_pop.sum()
assert np.abs(init_pop.sum() - 1.0) < 0.0001
# generate the timeseries
timeseries = np.zeros(timepoints)
for i in range(n_modes):
front = np.dot(init_pop, psi_R[:, i])
back = np.dot(observable, psi_L[:, i])
mode_decay = front * np.power(lambd[i], np.arange(timepoints)) * back
timeseries += np.real(mode_decay)
logger.info('The equilibrium value is %f, while the last time point calculated is %f', np.dot(pi, observable), timeseries[-1])
return timeseries
[docs]def msm_acf(tprob, observable, timepoints, num_modes=10):
Calculate an autocorrelation function from an MSM.
Rapid calculation of the autocorrelation of an MSM is
performed via an eigenmode decomposition.
tprob : matrix
Transition probability matrix
observable : ndarray, float
Vector representing the observable value for each state
timepoints : ndarray, int
The timepoints at which to calculate the decay, in units of lag
num_modes : int (num_modes)
The number of eigenmodes to employ. More modes, more accurate,
but slower.
acf : ndarray, float
The autocorrelation function.
Use statsmodels.tsa.stattools.acf if you want to calculate an ACF from a
raw observable such as an RMSD trace.
See Docs/ACF/acf.pdf for a derivation of this calculation.
eigenvalues, eigenvectors = get_eigenvectors(tprob, num_modes + 1)
num_modes = len(eigenvalues) - 1
populations = eigenvectors[:, 0]
D = np.diag(populations ** -1.)
# discard the stationary eigenmode
eigenvalues = np.real(eigenvalues[1:])
eigenvectors = np.real(eigenvectors[:, 1:])
right_eigenvectors = D.dot(eigenvectors)
eigenvector_normalizer = np.diag(right_eigenvectors.T.dot(eigenvectors))
eigenvectors /= eigenvector_normalizer
S = eigenvectors.T.dot(observable) # Project observable onto left eigenvectors
acf = np.array([(eigenvalues ** t).dot(S**2) for t in timepoints])
acf /= (eigenvalues ** 0.).dot(S**2) # Divide by the ACF at time zero.
return acf
# ======================================================== #
# ======================================================== #
def flatten(*args):
"""Return a generator for a flattened form of all arguments"""
for x in args:
if hasattr(x, '__iter__'):
for y in flatten(*x):
yield y
yield x
[docs]def is_transition_matrix(t_matrix, epsilon=.00001):
"""Check for row normalization of a matrix
t_matrix : densee or sparse matrix
epsilon : float, optional
threshold for how close the row sums need to be to 1
truth : bool
True if the 2-norm of error in the row sums is less than Epsilon.
n = t_matrix.shape[0]
row_sums = np.array(t_matrix.sum(1)).flatten()
if scipy.linalg.norm(row_sums - np.ones(n)) < epsilon:
return True
return False
def are_all_dimensions_same(*args):
"""Are all the supplied arguments the same size
Find the shape of every input.
truth : boolean
True if every matrix and vector is the same size.
m = len(args)
dim_list = []
for i in range(m):
dims = scipy.shape(args[i])
return len(np.unique(flatten(dim_list))) == 1
def check_transition(t_matrix, epsilon=0.00001):
"""Ensure that matrix is a row normalized stochastic matrix
t_matrix : dense or sparse matrix
epsilon : float, optional
Threshold for how close the row sums need to be to one
Other Parameters
DisableErrorChecking : bool
If this flag (module scope variable) is set tot True, this function just
If T is not a row normalized stochastic matrix
See Also
check_dimensions : ensures dimensionality
is_transition_matrix : does the actual checking
if not DisableErrorChecking and not is_transition_matrix(t_matrix, epsilon):
logger.critical("Transition matrix is not a row normalized"
" stocastic matrix. This is often caused by "
"either numerical inaccuracies or by having "
"states with zero counts.")
def check_dimensions(*args):
"""Ensure that all the dimensions of the inputs are identical
If some of the supplied arguments have different dimensions from one
if are_all_dimensions_same(*args) == False:
raise RuntimeError("All dimensions are not the same")